Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga

Program Studi S3


Hi Future Researchers!

The Veterinary Science Doctoral Study Program is a doctoral program with the advantage of a by research curriculum that is without lectures and focuses on research. Veterinary Science Doctoral Study Program, emphasizes in-depth knowledge of veterinary, animal husbandry and fisheries by conducting in-depth scientific seminars, conducting research that can be carried out in the country or abroad with partner universities, conducting reputable international publications, discovering new thigs both theoretically and practically. The quality of the implementation and management of education in the Veterinary Science Doctoral Study Program has also proven with the achievement of excellent accreditation from LAM-PTKes.



To become a leading study program at national and international levels, produce graduates with attitudes, behaviour and abilities as scientists who have a pioneering spirit in the field of veterinary science, have the ability to independently develop Veterinary Science education and research and has analytical skills in formulating approaches to solving various community problems by means of scientific reasoning based on religious and ethics values, and environmental sustainability while remaining oriented towards the welfare of society.



  1. To conduct research-based doctoral level academic education in the field of veterinary science with modern, in-depth, exploratory, analytical, synthetic and creative learning technology both in the laboratory and in the field, with professional abilities and a passion to develop knowledge, with an entrepreneurial spirit, which upholds high religious and ethics values
  2. To conduct basic, applied and innovative research that produces new and high-quality findings in the field of veterinary science to support the development of science, education and community service based on religious and ethics values, environmental sustainability and animal welfare
  3. Dedicating expertise in the field of veterinary science and being able to solve problems and provide solutions to the community.



  1. Producing graduates who have scientific integrity, basic scientific insight and abilities, as well as the ability to develop knowledge through approaches appropriate to each field
  2. Produce quality human resources who master veterinary science professionally
  3. Producing researchers who can develop veterinary science in real terms and can takes a role in solving all problems in the field of animal health
  4. Existence in scientific contributions by producing scientific publications in accredited national and international reputable journals
  5. Producing human resources who are experts in the field of veterinary medicine who are engaged in determining animal health policies, and research and development institutions in public services and industrial fields.
  6. Filling the shortage of lecturers with doctoral degrees in both state and private own educational institutions


Graduates Degree

Doctor (Dr.)



Program Implementation

Full time


Implementation of Lectures

On Campus


Admission Period

Twice a year


Study Length

3 years (6 semester)



Nasional             : Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Pendidikan Tinggi Kesehatan (LAM-PTkes)

Independent Accreditation Institution of Health Major Higher Education


Further Information

  • https://fkh.unair.ac.id/program-studi-s3

Program Studi

S3 Sains Veteriner

Program Studi S3


Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya 60115
Telp. (031) 5992785, 5993016 Fax. (031) 5993015
Email : info@fkh.unair.ac.id
Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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