Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga
Kontribusi Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan dalam SDG’s Universitas Airlangga. SDGs merupakan agenda pembangunan dunia yang bertujuan untuk kesejahteraan manusia secara global. Agenda tersebut merupakan program pembangunan berkelanjutan dimana didalamnya terdapat 17 tujuan dengan 169 target yang terukur dan telah disepakati oleh 193 negara anggota termasuk Indonesia. Melalui laman ini dapat menjadi gambaran bahwa program kerja dan strategi Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan telah mendukung keberlangsungan rencana pembangunan global sesuai yang diamanatkan dalam target SDGs.
Welcome to the SDGs FKH Universitas Airlangga. May God always bless and guide you in all aspects of your life.
FKH Universitas Airlangga is fully committed to the advancement of sustainable development, also known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), for a better life and future generations’ sustainability.
During this pandemic, achieving 17 SDG indicators in the application of the Three Pillars of Higher Education becomes a big challenge. This is a perfect chance to improve psychosocial sensitivity in dealing with disruptive situations.
FKH Universitas Airlangga has also taken concrete steps by creating an ecosystem that ensures the SDGs’ long-term viability from all aspects. At Universitas Airlangga, a commitment to achieving the Sustainable development goals has become a value and best practice for all academics.
We believe that Universitas Airlangga has always had the potential to make a huge impact on social justice and humanity. In this case, Universitas Airlangga continues to serve as a pioneer and mentor to the entire society as well as people residing in the 3T (frontier, outermost, and underdeveloped) regions.
As a result, Universitas Airlangga established the SDGs Center to establish and strengthen the sustainable development ecosystem. We are ready to collaborate and determine the most suitable solution to achieve the SDGs’ goals through collaborative dialogue.