Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga

Kerjasama Internasional 2019-2022

TAHUN 2018

No. Nama Instansi Jenis Kegiatan Kurun Waktu Kerjasama Berkas Kerjasama
Mulai Berakhir
1. Joint Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kagoshima University-Japan
  1. Exchange of scientific and instructional information;
  2. Exchange of respective staff for research, teaching and other collaborative activities;
  3. Exchange of respective staff to participate in conferences, symposium, workshops and seminars;
  4. Exchange of undergraduate and/or graduate student for specific periods of study through an organized study abroad agreement;
  5. Establishment of joint research projects on subjects of mutual interest.
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2. Joint Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Yamaguchi University-Japan
  1. Exchange of scientific and instructional information;
  2. Exchange of respective staff for research, teaching and other collaborative activities;
  3. Exchange of respective staff to participate in conferences, symposium, workshops and seminars;
  4. Exchange of undergraduate and/or graduate student for specific periods of study through an organized study abroad agreement;
  5. Establishment of joint research projects on subjects of mutual interest.
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3. Joint Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kobe University-Japan
  1. Exchange of scientific and instructional information;
  2. Exchange of respective staff for research, teaching and other collaborative activities;
  3. Exchange of respective staff to participate in conferences, symposium, workshops and seminars;
  4. Exchange of undergraduate and/or graduate student for specific periods of study through an organized study abroad agreement;
  5. Establishment of joint research projects on subjects of mutual interest.
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TAHUN 2017

No. Nama Instansi Jenis Kegiatan Kurun Waktu Kerjasama Berkas Kerjasama
Mulai Berakhir
1. Faculty of Veterinary Science Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  1. Exchange of scientific and instructional information;
  2. Exchange of respective staff for research, teaching and other collaborative activities;
  3. Exchange of respective staff to participate in conferences, symposium, workshops and seminars;
  4. Exchange of undergraduate and/or graduate student for specific periods of study through an organized study abroad agreement;
  5. Establishment of joint research projects on subjects of mutual interest.
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2. College of Veterinary Medicine, Tarlac Agricultural University, Philippines
  1. Exchange of scientific and instructional information;
  2. Exchange of respective staff for research, teaching and other collaborative activities;
  3. Exchange of respective staff to participate in conferences, symposium, workshops and seminars;
  4. Exchange of undergraduate and/or graduate student for specific periods of study through an organized study abroad agreement;
  5. Establishment of joint research projects on subjects of mutual interest.
1 Maret 2017 1 Maret 2022 icon pdf




No. Nama Instansi Jenis Kegiatan Kurun Waktu

Kerja Sama

Manfaat yang diperoleh
Mulai Berakhir
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
1 College of Veterinary Medicine Chonnam National University (Korea) Exchange of teaching and research personel, etc. 26 April 2008 26 April 2013 Student & Staff exchange (dalam taraf perpanjangan)
2 Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (Malaysia) Exchange of teaching and research personel, etc. 5 Mei 2008 5 Mei 2013 Kolaborasi seminar internasional (dalam taraf perpanjangan)
3 University of Vet and Animal Sciences (Pakistan) Joint lectures & symposia, and exchange of faculty and students, etc. 3 Juni 2008 d 3 Juni 2013 Kolaborasi seminar internasional
4. Faculty of Vet Science, Chulalongkorn University Thailand) Tha scientific co-operation should strengthened & broadened by joint assistance, etc. 17 Februari 2010 Tidak terbatas Student & Staff exchange
5. College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University (Korea) Exchange of scientific and infrastructure information, etc. 7 Juli 2014 7 Juli 2019 Student & Staff exchange
6 Faculty of Vet Medicine, Kasetsart University (Thailand) Exchange of scientific and infrastructure information, etc. 17 Februari 2010 Tidak terbatas Student & Staff exchange
7 Hokkaido University Research Centerfor Zoonosis Control (Japan) Exchange of scientific and infrastructure information, etc. 5 januari 2009 5 januari 2014 Riset kolaborasi (dalam taraf perpanjangan)
8 College of Veterinary Medicine, National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan) Exchange of scientific and infrastructure information, etc. 5 januari 2009 5 januari 2014 Student & Staff exchange (dalam taraf perpanjangan)
9 University Veterinary Science (Myanmar) SEAVSA. Scientific information and instructuional exchange, organization of an annual symposium, teaching staff and students exchange, commendation of young professors and researchers, international accreditation of Veterinary Schools in South East Asia countries. 17 Februari 2010 Tidak terbatas Student & Staff exchange
10 University of the Phillipines Los Banos (Philipina) SEAVSA. . Scientific information and instructuional exchange, organization of an annual symposium, teaching staff and students exchange, commendation of young professors and researchers, international accreditation of Veterinary Schools in South East Asia countries. 17 Februari 2010 Tidak terbatas Student & Staff exchange
11 Chiang Mai University (Thailand) SEAVSA. . Scientific information and instructuional exchange, organization of an annual symposium, teaching staff and students exchange, commendation of young professors and researchers, international accreditation of Veterinary Schools in South East Asia countries. 17 Februari 2010 Tidak terbatas Student & Staff exchange
12 Khon Kaen University (Thailand) SEAVSA. . Scientific information and instructuional exchange, organization of an annual symposium, teaching staff and students exchange, commendation of young professors and researchers, international accreditation of Veterinary Schools in South East Asia countries. 17 Februari 2010 Tidak terbatas Student & Staff exchange
13 Hanoi Agriculture University (Vietnam) SEAVSA 17 Februari 2010 Tidak terbatas Student & Staff exchange
14 University Malaysia Kelantan (Malaysia) SEAVSA 17 Februari 2010 Tida terbatas Student & Staff exchange
15 Universiti Putra Malaysia (Malaysia) Exchange of teaching and research personel, etc., SEAVSA 21 Feb 2011 21 Feb 2016 Pertukaran staf dan mahasiswa, joint research,
16 Murdoch University (Australia) Kerjasama untuk melakukan pertukaran ilmiah dan akademik serta kolaborasi Desember 2011 Desember 2016 Pertukaran staf dan mahasiswa, joint research,   membangun gelar ganda


Kerjasama untuk melakukan pertukaran ilmiah dan akademik serta kolaborasi 20 Juni 2012 20 Juni 2017 Kolaborasi seminar internasional
18 The University of Adelaide, Australia Kerjasama untuk melakukan pertukaran ilmiah dan akademik serta kolaborasi 21 Juni 2012 21 Juni 2015 Kolaborasi seminar internasional
19. Massey University, New Zealand Kerjasama untuk melakukan pertukaran ilmiah dan akademik serta kolaborasi 27 September 2012 27 Sept 2017 Kolaborasi seminar internasional
20 School Of   Veterinary

Medicine National Taiwan   University  

Kerjasama untuk melakukan pertukaran ilmiah dan akademik serta kolaborasi 12 Agustus 2014 12 Agustus 2019 Pertukaran staf dan mahasiswa, joint research,   membangun gelar bersama

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