Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga

Application For Producing Ormawa Work Program Articles Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga University In 2023 Windsor Animal Hospital Penang Malaysia

Students can use what they have learned in lectures and acquire practical experience through internships. During my semester break, I had the honour of working as an intern in Windsor Animal Hospital at my hometown in Penang Malaysia, where I was able to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and gain knowledge of the local way of life and workplace. I will explain more on how my internship experience are related to the SDGs in this article.

  • Good Health- Providing excellent veterinary care and advancing the health and welfare of animals was the main priority at Windsor Animal Hospital. I got the chance to help the veterinarians during my internship identify and manage a range of medical issues. Our goal was to make the community’s animal population healthier and more content overall through our work.
  • Life on land- The Windsor Animal Hospital was essential to Penang’s biodiversity preservation and wildlife conservation efforts. I got the opportunity to work with wildlife rescue organizations and take part in programs that help wounded animals get well and return to their natural habitats as part of my internship. This effort has a direct impact on maintaining terrestrial life and supporting the health of regional ecosystems.
  • Responsible consumption- Sustainable development requires the promotion of ethical production and consumption methods. At the animal hospital, sustainable waste management and resource conservation were given top priority. We put procedures in place to reduce the consumption of non-renewable resources, such paper and plastic, and we promoted recycling and garbage disposal that is appropriate. The objective of these endeavours was to lessen our ecological impact and encourage sustainable methods in the veterinary sector.
  • Partnerships for the goals- The SDGs can only be accomplished by partnerships and collaboration. I learned during my internship how crucial it is for the Windsor Animal Hospital to collaborate with local animal welfare organizations, government agencies, and community groups. Our work has been more successful because of these collaborations, and we have had a greater influence on Penang’s animal welfare and health.

An incredibly fulfilling experience was had by me during my internship at Windsor Animal Hospital. I was able to contribute to Sustainable Development Goals number 3 Good Health by means of my work in veterinary care, wildlife conservation, and ethical production and consumption practices. Along with broadening my knowledge of veterinary care, this internship has motivated me to keep pushing for an animal-friendly and sustainable future. Our efforts may positively influence animal welfare as well as the overarching objective of sustainable development by being in line with the SDGs.

Ovariohysterectomy also known as “spay “on a female cat.

Surgical Resection of Chordoma in ferret


Femoral Head Ostectomy in a male dog.


Penulis : Shailenesha Sathindren 161221226

Editor : Permatasari, DA


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